Agility Practise Drop-Ins are by the hour.
Must have previous agility experience to use agility drop in space. Dogs must have completed a minimum of a Level 1 class, and be at least 7 months old to use the space. Drop in practise time will be shared with up to 4 people. Dogs must be kennelled between turns.
For agility practise only. This is not for off leash play time. Practise time is unsupervised and no instructors will be present. Use at your own risk.
Please do not let your dog potty in the room or on the equipment.
Start Date:
Sunday, March 16 at 9:00am (no class April 20) 3 spots left
Sunday, March 16 at 8:00pm (no class April 20)
Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am (no class April 19)
$250+ tax for six weeks
Teach your puppy or dog the important foundation behaviours needed for a long and successful career in agility. Skills like tight turns, jump skills, agility table skills, nose targeting, foundation behaviours for 2 on 2 off and/or running contacts, start line stays, teeter skills, shaping exercises to create a thinking dog, flatwork for handling crosses and advanced handling moves will all be taught. We will also work on body awareness exercises, and building motivation and drive in your future agility dog.
This class is safe for puppies as young as 12 weeks of age.
Start Date:
Tuesday, March 18 at 6:00pm 1 spot left
$235+tax for six weeks
A continuation of Pre Agility skills plus so much more!
This course will cover advanced verbal proofing, running contact foundations, impulse control games, drive building games, one jump exercises, body awareness exercises, skill training and foundation for obstacle discrimination.
Pre requisite: Pre-Agility or equivalent. Dogs should be able to quietly rest on a bed or in a kennel between turns. Dogs need to be able to work in a group environment with other dogs around.
Start Date:
Tuesday, February 25 at 8:30pm
Monday, March 10 at 2:45pm
Sunday, March 16 at 6:45pm (no class April 20)
Wednesday, March 19 at 2:00pm
$250+tax for six weeks
Get ready for some fun! The agility level 1 class will focus on teaching your dog agility obstacles, with a focus on safety and correct performance of each obstacle for a successful career in agility. The dog and handler will begin performing short sequences of 3-6 obstacles in a row. Your dog will learn jumps, tunnels, the tire, the table, and lowered aframe, dogwalk and teeter. Dogs will begin to learn turning out of a tunnel vs a straight exit.
This class is for dogs at least 7 months of age and dogs who have basic obedience skills.
Start Date:
Wednesday, February 26 at 8:30pm
Monday, March 10 at 4:15pm
Sunday, March 16 at 10:30am (no class April 20) FULL
Sunday, March 16 at 5:30pm (no class April 20) 1 spot left
Saturday, April 5 at 10:30am (no class April 19)
$235+tax for six weeks
Lets start changing directions! You and your dog will learn how to perform front, rear and blind crosses for change of directions on course. You will also begin to work on wraps and K turns for tight turns and 180 degree changes of direction.
This class is appropriate for dogs who have completed the level 1 class or a similar class. Dogs must be comfortable waiting their turn in a kennel.
Start Date:
Friday, March 7 at 12:00pm 1 spot left
Sunday, March 16 at 11:45am (no class April 20) FULL
Monday, March 17 at 5:30pm
Sunday, March 23 at 4:15pm (no class April 20)
Saturday, April 5 at 11:45am (no class April 19) 3 spots left
$235+tax for six weeks
Let's add a few more skills! You and your dog will continue to work on your different crosses as well as learn some new handling skills. Obstacle discrimination, layering, tunnel threadles, backsides of tunnels and serpentines will be introduced.
This class is appropriate for dogs that can sequence up to 10 obstacles in a row, and for handlers who have an understanding of front, rear, blind crosses and tight turns (jump wraps).
Start Date:
Tuesday, March 18 at 7:15pm 3 spots left
Wednesday, March 19 at 4:30pm
$235+tax for six weeks
It's time to get fancy! This class will teach you advanced handling moves for today's courses. You will continue to perfect the skills learned in level 3, as well as learn how to perform threadles, threadle rears, backside wraps, push back serpentines, push back blinds and come to side (flappy tappy)
This class is appropriate for dogs that can sequence up to 10 obstacles in a row, and for handlers who have a strong understanding of the level 3 skills.
Start Date:
Monday, March 17 at 7:00pm 2 spots left
Wednesday, April 2 at 6:00pm FULL
Tuesday, April 8 at 10:45am
$225+tax for six weeks
It's time to test your skills on full courses! This class will have you and your dog running full starters/novice type courses with 17-20 obstacles. Every week is a new course incorporating the skills learned from the level 2 and level 3 classes. Feedback will be given on the best handler path to take, reading the dog's line, proper timing of handling moves, what handling option is best in each scenario, etc.
Prerequisite: Dogs must have completed and be proficient in level 3 skills. It is recommended that dogs are weaving 12 poles.
Start Date:
Monday, March 17 at 8:30pm 2 spots left
Tuesday, April 1 at 1:15pm
$225+tax for six weeks
Are you finding the starters/advanced courses too easy? Lets step it up a notch with excellent/masters style courses! The weekly courses will include skills learned in level 3 and level 4 with an emphasis on level 4 skills. Feedback will be given on the best handler path to take, reading the dog's line, proper timing of handling moves, what handling option is best in each scenario, etc.
Prerequisite: Dogs must have completed and be proficient on level 4 skills, weave 12 poles and completed the starters/advanced coursework or a similar class.
Start Date:
$200+tax for five weeks
A class dedicated to mastering the agility games of Gamblers, Snooker and Points and Distance! Learn strategies for the game and rules of play. You will be practising your skills on courses run in a fun match style. The class will include a week each for AAC Gamblers and Snooker, UKI Gamblers & Snooker and CKC Points and Distance.
Prerequisite: Dogs must have completed a minimum of level 3 to attend
Start Date:
Tuesday, March 4 at 2:30pm FULL
Wednesday, March 5 at 7:15pm FULL
Friday, March 14 at 10:30am FULL
$235+tax for six weeks
A class focusing on teaching and proofing the teeter and teaching weave poles from the ground up.
Teach your dog this important piece of equipment in a class dedicated to this skill. You will learn how to train the weave poles using the 2 x 2 method. We will also begin proofing our weave skills by varying the approach to the obstacle, distance from the weaves, obstacles performed before and after weave poles, etc.
Start Date:
Thursday, February 27th at 1:30pm 3 spots left
Thursday, April 10th at 1:30pm
Thursday, April 10th at 7:00pm
$235+tax for six weeks
Contact performance breaking down in competition? Can't hit those difficult weave entries? Each lesson will include half the class dedicated to working difficult weave entries, and handling approaches into and out of the poles. The remainder of the class will work on proofing and teaching a solid understanding of contact criteria (stopped and running contacts are both covered). Distance from obstacles, proofing motion, difficult angles will all be worked.
Prerequisite: Dogs must be weaving 12 weave poles to attend this class.
Start Date:
$40+tax for each session
The single sessions are for dogs that need more work on teaching and/or proofing their contact performance for running or stopped contacts.
Weave proofing exercises will also be included for handlers that want to work on improving weave pole performance.
Prerequisite: Dogs must be weaving minimum 6 weave poles to take part in weaving exercises.
Start Date:
$235+tax for six weeks
Teach your dog the four skills needed for successful distance work: drive a line of obstacles away from the handler, move laterally away from the handler to take an obstacle, flip away from the handler and continue in the opposite direction and run parallel with the hander at a distance. Skills will be taught using jumps and tunnels.
Prerequisite: Dogs have completed a level 2 class or higher
Start Date:
Tuesday, April 1 at 12:00pm 3 spots left
$235+tax for six weeks
In this class we will take the skills learned in level one and apply them to advanced/masters style gamble challenges. Distance challenges will also include contact obstacles and weave poles.
Payment is due at the time of registration via paypal, e transfer or payment in person with debit or credit. Registrations will not be accepted if payment is not received within 24 hours of enrolment in a course. All classes are six weeks long unless otherwise stated in the description. Each class runs for approximately an hour each week
Classes are fully refundable up to 5 days before the first class begins. After the 5 day prior class starting window has passed and once classes are in progress the classes are non refundable, non transferable, and there are no make up classes. Our refund policy also includes those that have to miss class due to COVID, injuries, health reasons, change in work schedule, etc.
Group classes are not appropriate for dogs with reactivity/aggression issues or other severe behaviour problems. If you have concerns regarding your dog's behaviour please contact us before registering for a class. Classes are non refundable and non transferable up to five days before your class starts and once it is in session.
You are encouraged to come out and watch a class before registering in a program.
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